It's A Mystery Book Club!

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Book Club

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Program Description

Event Details

The Mystery Book Club meets once a month, except December to discuss mystery books or crime fiction, a genre that fictionalizes crimes, detection and their motives.

 Another way to describe our lively discussions is who's the murderer, who's the detective, and what happened in between the pages from beginning to end.  The mystery selection for March is The Spy Coast (The Martini Club #1) by Tess Gerritsen.  A former spy goes to retire quietly on a chicken farm in Maine after a disturbing incident.  However, when a dead body turns up in her driveway she realizes the warning is from former foes.  So she turns to  her local circle of friends all retired CIA spies to investigate this problem.  

The Mystery Book Club meets on the first Monday of each month from 10:30-11:30am.  








